Department Information Department Location Date Indicate how long it took for you to be assisted Assistance FeedbackPlease provide your ratings of the items below by ticking the most appropriate box on a scale of 1 to 5. (1=Poor, 2=Satisfactory, 3=Good, 4=Very Good, 5=Excellent) Are you happy with the length of time taken before being assisted? - None -YesNo Did officers explain the reasons for the delay, if there was any? - None -YesNo My expectations were met - None -YesNo The officer went an extra mile to assist me - None -YesNo Friendliness of officer who was assisting you - None -12345 The officer’s knowledge of the product and services they offer - None -12345 The quality of service that was offered to you - None -12345 Cleanliness of the area where you were served - None -12345 Additional Information Provide the name of the officer who served you What are the most important things that Air Botswana can do to improve the way the public is served? Contact Information (Optional)We may wish to follow up on issues you have raised, kindly indicate your contact details below. Names Telephone Number